
Jalalabad, known as the "City of Eternal Bliss," is a bustling urban center located in eastern Afghanistan, near the border with Pakistan. Situated in the fertile Jalalabad Valley and surrounded by the majestic mountains of the Hindu Kush, Jalalabad boasts a picturesque setting that has attracted settlers and travelers for centuries. The cityscape of Jalalabad is a blend of modern developments and historic landmarks. Its bustling streets are lined with colorful bazaars, bustling markets, and vibrant cafes where locals gather to socialize over cups of chai. The iconic Kabul River flows through the heart of the city, providing a lifeline for agriculture and commerce. Jalalabad's rich history is evident in its architectural heritage, with ancient ruins and monuments scattered throughout the area. The imposing Darul Aman Palace, a remnant of Afghanistan's royal past, stands as a testament to the city's storied history.