Constantine, often referred to as the "City of Bridges," is a mesmerizing gem perched atop dramatic cliffs in northeastern Algeria. Renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, rich history, and architectural marvels, Constantine captivates visitors with its unique blend of ancient charm and modern vitality. The city's most striking feature is its dramatic setting, nestled within a deep gorge carved by the Rhumel River. Towering limestone cliffs rise majestically on either side of the river, with the historic city center perched atop a series of rocky outcrops, creating a picturesque panorama that has earned Constantine the nickname "the City of Suspended Bridges." One of the most iconic landmarks in Constantine is the Sidi M'Cid Bridge, a soaring arch bridge that spans the gorge and offers breathtaking views of the city below. Other historic bridges, such as the Pont du Diable and the Pont Sidi Rached, add to the city's charm and provide access to its various neighborhoods and attractions.